We link skills to enhance collective intelligence.
20 years of experience
15 years overseas (Africa, Indian Ocean Countries, Asia)
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Area of Expertise:
- Information Systems : Strategy, Urbanization of IS, Governance, Projects Management,
- International : Facilitation skills, Lobbying, Implementation supports...
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I grew up in France, Africa and Asia. Naturally, my professional career was oriented towards international companies and institutions acting in those different continents.
Holder of a Masters degree in Computer engineering and Telecommunications networks, I managed to build up technical, interpersonal and management skills in multicultural environments.
Open minded Business Owner, my professional guideline is oriented towards SMEs' development and strategic implementation in order to bring liable, long terms and human responses.
Nowadays, I own two companies that I created, Wennev and W&L, whose business approach lean on customers' dimension, maturity and organization.
Jean-Pierre LE PROVOST
45 years of experience
20 years overseas (Africa, Asia)
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Area of expertise:
- International Consulting
- Companies' Management support
- Professional Training
- Projects management
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Initially Legal Expert and interested in entrepreneurship, I have oriented my professional career in Companies top Management, in general business and training areas.
In the seventies, I succeed in bringing my management skills to Thomson CSF training centre in South West of France.
At the beginning of the eighties, my career moved into consular world. As a CCI's Deputy Dorector in charge of SMEs' animation sectors and professional training development, I started to cover West of France and travel overseas.
Fond of multicultural exchanges, I moved to Tchad in 1988 in order to pilot National Consular Chamber reorganization, help local business development and implement a professional training centre.
When I returned to France in 1992, I became the head of the international department of Versailles' CCI. This responsibility brought me to represent this institution in South East Asia. During more than ten years, I managed and implemented cooperation projects between French investors and local partners in the region.
Since 2005, I work as a Consultant for companies' management and I have created Wennev with Yann Le Provost with whom I share values and pragmatism.
Abdoul Aziz WADE
25 years of experience
20 years overseas
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Area of expertise:
- Financial Management, Accounting
- Audit, Strategy, Companies' Management
- Multisectorial Economic Studies
- Companies' reorganization
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MBA graduated in Finance, my skills and expertise has since the beginning been used in SMEs and larger groups in this field, in France, America as well as in Africa where I am from.
Moreover, I have created and developed businesses in products and services distribution. For about thirty years I have run companies between Europe, America and Africa.
Thanks to my international and multicultural background, I decided to join Wennev in order to be part of the development of this innovative new concept, shared executive management, particularly in Audit, financial engineering and associated management.
25 years of experience
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Area of expertise:
- CEOs personal marketing
- Social networks and digital marketing
- Digital change
- Digital Customer Prospection
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My professional career brought me to become a social network specialist, meeting point between HR recruitment and business development.
Nowadays, personal marketing became strategic thanks to professional social networks explosion, Linkedin for instance. For recruitment, customers' prospect or funds raising, CEOs and teams' personal image on social networks is the key for success.
My mission within Wennev's team consists in developing beside you, your personal image in social networks in order to :
- Develop your local and international customers prospect
- Enhance customers' loyalty
- Reinforce your investors' network
- Recruit the best talent on social networks.
Each leader is a talent. His credibility is brought by his history. He initiates a vision. These skills need to be promoted and shown.
Wennev approach being close to mine, I naturally join its young team, dynamic, unusual and profoundly human.
Eric Morel
25 years of experience
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Area of expertise:
- Management, support for change
- Business Framework, Business Development Strategy
- Network animation
- Project Management, Back Office
- Audit and Internal Control
- International: RP,
- Intermediation on Cuba
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Lawyer by training, I have over twenty years of management experience which punctuated my career in France and abroad. Japanese martial arts’ enthusiastic follower, I have endeavored throughout my careers to adapt to the world of work the five virtues of a sincere practitioner of Budo, namely :
JIN : Generosity, kindness that presupposes an behavior of care for others regardless of age, sex or social conditions.
GI : Honor, sense of justice that goes through respect of oneself and another ; this goes, for example, of the reputation of a company that takes years to build and few months to be destroyed...
REI : Courtesy, respect of arborescence and ceremonial, from good morning to organization of incentives through customers’ management.
CHI : Wisdom, Listening and Reflection in Decision Making.
SHIN : Commitment sincerity ; any management act must, in my opinion, go hand in hand with firm implementation without hesitation.
It is therefore with these principles that I have been given the opportunity to accompany several executives and top management in their integrations within large groups such as franchises, whether on the occasion of Due Diligence, restructuring or external purchases.
Close to Cuba for more than 15 years, my steps have led me these last five years to strengthen my expertise of this economic environment in full opening, and it is with great pleasure that I joined Wennev’s team of which I know and recognize excellence and humanism.